Hello and welcome to Stingrays Class, here you can find out all about our learning for the week!
What a fantastic first full week we have had in Stingrays class. The pupils have embraced their new responsibility of being in year 4 and have set a beautiful example, working hard throughout the week!
In English, we have been exploring our new text The lost Happy Endings` by Carol Ann Duffy and Jane Ray, immersing ourselves in the high level vocabulary needed to write a setting description. We have learnt new vocabulary such as vindictive, grotesque, vivid, canopy of leaves, decrepit, kindling, meandering and colossal. We put these words into context and explored how they can be included effectively in our writing. To finish the week we looked at how to use expanded noun phrases and prepositions to add extra detail to our writing!
In Maths this week we have been exploring place value. We discussed the values of each digit in a number and have grown in confidence reading, writing, comparing and ordering numbers using our key mathematical vocabulary greater than and less than. In Arithmetic, we have secured our knowledge in using the column method to add numbers together.
Our Science learning this week has seen us exploring and creating food chains. If you ask the children they will hopefully tell you all about the meaning of our key words, predator, consumer, prey and producer. We also leant that photosynthesis is when plants get energy from the sun, some of us were even recalling the equation, carbon dioxide + water = glucose (sugar) + oxygen. It was lovely to hear the children also linking their science knowledge into their writing producing sentences such as "predators greedily searched for food in the eerie night`.
In History, we enjoyed learning all about Ancient Greece discussing how the two city states Athens and Sparta fought for thirty years in the Peloponnesian war. We had fun acting this scene out! We also investigated the Greek philosopher Aristotle and became philosophers ourselves discussing some very difficult P4C questions. Well done to our historian of the week, Eliza for her fantastic contributions to lessons!
Our Geography learning saw us begin our new topic, Population. We began by researching the population of different capital cities within the United Kingdom. We had some interesting guesses for the population of our school. To finish off the week we compared the population density of two places using our retrieval skills.
It has been an incredibly busy week, but the Stingrays have shown incredible resilience and determination!
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Olenczuk & Miss Roberts x