Welcome to Year 4 Manatees!
Our Class Teacher is Miss Roberts and our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Flaherty, Miss Bonne and Mrs Lawton.
We love to show our learning and are proud of everything we achieve in our classroom together. Please take a look at all the amazing learning we complete everyday on this class page, and talk to us at home about everything we have accomplished during our school day.
Class Blog
Hello, I am Miss Roberts the Class Teacher of Year 4 Manatees class. Miss Boone, Mrs Flaherty and Mrs Lawton are our Teaching Assistants. I have been a member of Waterside for 3 years now and have worked in both KS1 and KS2 as part of my role in teaching around school.
Miss Boone has been at Waterside for 17 years, working across a range of year groups and has recently started a new role as HLTA. Mrs Lawton has been a Teaching Assistant at Waterside for 24 years. She is also an assistant to the SENCo and on the School Parliament for reading. Mrs Flaherty has been a Teaching Assistant at Waterside for 6 years working across KS2. As a team, we are all committed to supporting the children achieve the best they can across the Y4 curriculum!
Year 4 Curriculum Overview