This week, in Maths, we have enjoyed using our knowledge of place value in rounding and negative numbers.
We realised that place value was pivotal to both of these skills.
In English, we have been exploring vocabulary surrounding our setting description.
In reading this week, we enjoyed working collaboratively to understand how texts can differ and compare them. We used different chapters of 5e same book to track the progressions of character emotion, actions and relationships. We noticed that the setting of each chapter changed the atmosphere and wondered if we could include this authorial style in our own writing.
On Thursday, we combined our computing lesson wi5 learning some more about our History topic (the Vikings). In computing, we were learning how to set up a shared area such as a Google drive. We used this opportunity to use our prior knowledge from last week of how to use search engines effectively and search for Viking images and facts. We also took pictures of our working walls. We then learnt how to upload these images to Google Drive.