This week, we continued our topic All About Me and focused on discussing our hobbies and interests. To support our learning, we read the text Incredible You. We spoke about how we are all unique and have our own interests and hobbies that make us incredible! We drew pictures of our hobbies/interests and shared these with each other.
We also sorted our likes and dislikes into groups, and practised speaking in full sentences to explain our thoughts.
In writing, we have been refining our pencil control by tracing over the pre-writing shapes we find most tricky. We worked hard to stay on the lines to create our desired shape, and ensured we held our pen in a tripod grip. Some of us moved onto practising our letter formation, ensuring our letters are formed correctly and sit on the line.
In Maths, we have been learning how to count regular and irregular arrangements of objects. We have also been looking at matching number to quantity, using our knowledge of numerals, as well as our counting skills.
In creative arts, we have been practising the skill of drawing shapes of different sizes. The use of shape is important when creating different representations, so it is a skill we continue to work on.