This week we are learning all about emotions through the song 'If you're happy and you know it', one of our treasure books is 'Colour Monster' so it something which we have discussed already this half term but something which we wanted to learn about further. Colour Monster shows his emotions through his facial expressions and gestures but also by the colour he is which links to our continuous learning of colours. We are focusing on happy and sad but are introducing other emotions to the children such as being angry and sad. We hope by the end of the week the children are comfortable to talk about what makes them happy and sad.
We have had lots of new learning opportunities in the indoor and outdoor environment and our adults have supported us with this during 'Modelling Monday'.
We have had a new construction resource which we have not seen before, they are straws and connectors, once shown how to use them the children have been very imaginative with what the have created including skyscrapers, dumb bells, shapes and fishing rods.
We have also continued to focus on our fine motor skills and the pre writing shapes, we have copied pattern and shape stones in glitter and flour in our explorative tough spot trays.
We have listened to different pieces of music and then explained how it made us feel and we also began to discuss movement and showing different emotions such as joy, sadness and anger
We have had lots of discussions about feelings this week and how we portray our emotions but we can also feel a particular way and not show it so easily. We have spoken about what makes us happy and sad and we have begun to discuss how we make others feel happy and sad.
In our numbers and patterns sessions we have been learning all about the 2D shape- circle. the children can name the shape and talk about it properties and they can also find circles within the environment.
On the maths table the children have been sorting the 2D shapes into groups by looking closely at the features of each shape and they have also been showing their number knowledge when out in the outdoor area.
Our colour knowledge has progressed so much over the past seven weeks and most of us are naming all colours correctly because of this we have been able to talk about colours and how in our treasure book story 'The colour monster' he turns a certain colour when he feels a certain emotion.
The children have had different colour monster templates where they had to say what emotion he was feeling and what colour that would be, I was also amazed at the fantastic colour that the children did and they tried really hard to stay within the lines of the monster.
Next week we are learning all about harvest as we have our harvest assembly which will lead into our next half term topics perfectly.
I cannot believe we have nearly done our first half term in Nursery!
Have a lovely weekend, Mrs Morray x