We started the week with a Science investigation. We sought to classify organisms in our local area. To do so, we went on a nature hunt! We found a range of organisms, took pictures of them and then returned to class t9 classify them using our knowledge of classification trees.
We loved looking under wood to find woodlice, discussing lichen on trees and finding ants in the dirt.
In English, we have been writing an alternative retell from the cliffhanger. This week we had a literal cliffhanger as the chapter ended with Isa hanging by her fingertips from the cliff over a fiery pit. After generating ideas, we have been using descriptive writing to write our own ending.
In Maths, we have been investigating division further. Particularly, we have been exploring how long division can help. Take a look at this fantastic video explaining how to solve long division.
Math Antics - Long Division
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