What a wonderful first with of Autumn 2!
The Seagulls class have come back with super attitudes, ready to learn!
Our value for this half term is friendship. We are going to be learning all about what it means to be a good friend.
In English this week we have started a new text called 'Owl Babies'. To help us gain a good understanding of the story we have completed lots of book talk. In doing so, we have looked at the story structure, key events and used talk for writing to help us oral retell the story.
This week we have been focusing on addition. We began anchoring of prior knowledge by finding the total of two groups. We then moved on to using part whole models, tens frames and number lines to help us add by counting on.
We have begun to learn about our new topic 'This is my community'. We learn some of the communties we live in, such as bedroom house, street and town. WE understood that each community not only got bigger in size but in population as well!
We have begun to explore fabrics ready for our topic of fabric faces. The children felt and looked at different materials and use their sense of touch to describe what they felt like and to help them to distingish the different fabrics. We looked at hessian, silk, felt, wool and chiffon.
Earlier this week, we sent out a letter to all parents to inform and gain permission for our trip to 'Peak Wildlife'. Please ensure that you slip is signed and returned to school as soon as possible.
Have a lovely weekend :)