This week we have read the story leaf man to end our topic of 'Autumn'. The children have a good knowledge of seasonal changes and celebrations that take place in Autumn. The story has helped us to see the journey of a leaf during Autumn and to recap the environmental changes.
The children have been making their own leaf men with natural materials. They have planned and designed their own leaf men and made changes along the way to evaluate and adapt their learning.
In writing we have been recapping some of the curly caterpillar letters we have written. I can see from the work the children's increasing pencil control and progress from the beginning of the term. We will continue to practise keeping letters on the line and having clear ascenders and descender where needed.
In phonics we continue to segment phase 2 words verbally and then write the word in our books. The children are becoming more confident and consistent, applying their taught phonics in writing. Some children challenged themselves and began to write a caption with support from an adult. We discussed a finger space and together wrote a caption.
In maths we have been learning 'estimation'. The children are able to tell me the meaning of estimation and understand we have to have a good guess before we count the amount to check. We worked in pairs to test each other on our estimating skills.
We have a very busy week practising our nativity next week and we can't wait for you to see our performances.
I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Miss Mayer