This week we have continued our learning of Winter, we went on a winter walk to observe the environmental changes we have discussed in class. We could see some of the signs of winter, such as no leaves on the trees, we saw some evergreen trees and we felt how cold it was! We were wrapped up in our coats, hats, scarfs and gloves. When we returned to the classroom we looked at videos and images of different signs we din't see such as snow, ice, fog. 

The children have applied their knowledge within independent learning by drawing pictures, labelling their work and through lots of communication. 

The children had a big interest in ice last week and we used this to guide our learning this week. The children have explored the ice with their senses and been able to learn and retell the freezing process with key vocabulary.

In writing this week we have started to write captions in our books. The children are doing great with their segmenting an blending to spell phase 2 words. This week we focused on using a finger space and writing more than one word to describe the winter scene. 

I have seen lots of progress with the children's letter formation as they are trying their best to keep all letters on the line, and to include their ascenders and descender. 

In phonics this week we have started phase 3. These are the new sounds we have learnt this week and the children have done a great job at retaining them. We have been recognising the sounds and some children have began to apply the sounds within independent writing.

I am super proud of what the children have retained over the holidays. We are working super hard! 

The children will be bringing their reading books home today so I hope you can read their books and see the progress they are making! 

In maths the children have learnt about height. They have a secure understanding of what height is and are confident to use key vocabulary such as 'tall, short, tallest, shortest' when comparing heights. We sorted objects into tall and short and then extended our learning by ordering up to 4 objects by height. 

After a busy week we are all ready for a break! Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Miss Mayer