What another great week we have had, I am super proud of Turtles this week, we have really shown this terms value of determination across all our learning.


This week we had a go at editing our first piece of independent writing for this half term. We all showed we could up skill our writing to make it even better. This week we have moved onto our new genre, a persuasive letter. We spent some time looking firstly at the key features of a letter, then persuasive writing and finally looking at fact and opinions. The children loved listening to all the facts about Victorian England.


In Maths this week we have moved onto the topic of measurement. We have looked at measuring length in millimetres, centimetres and metres. We spent time recapping on our skills of using a ruler so we could make sure we were making accurate measurements. We built on these skills to then look at adding different lengths. Everyone showed great determination especially this week in maths when things got tricky they kept going.


In History this week we looked at the question ‘what did the ancient Egyptians believe in?’ We listened to some stories about the different Gods and Goddess and what they represented in Egyptian culture. We all enjoyed re-enacting some of the stories our particular favourite was Ma’at weighing the hearts and feathers. In Geography we continued to look at settlements, building on our knowledge we looked at the second biggest type of settlement ‘Towns’. We enjoyed comparing market and coastal towns.


We are continuing to focus on the artist Claude Monet, this week we created our own impressionist picture based on one of Monet’s own paintings. All children used their skills of sketching and using colours associated with Monet.