
In Writing this week we continued to prepare for our independent write which will be an alternative event retell. On Monday, we focused on using conjunctions in our writing to add detail and expand sentences to provide the reader with more information. It was great to see Y4 now really trying hard to use high level conjunctions such as 'although', 'since' and 'therefore'. On Wednesday, we planned for our independent write, considering lots of high-level vocabulary we could use in each paragraph and then how to use these in Y4 standard sentences. On Thursday we completed our independent write and on Friday we edited and revised our writing. I can't wait to read these as I know how hard Y4 have worked to produce to lovely writing.


In Arithmetic this week, we have focused upon multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. These are really useful skills that will help us with our decimals learning in Maths, increasing our understanding of place value. In Maths this week, we begun our new  Y4 topic of 'Decimals'. On Tuesday, we recapped tenths as fractions, before then moving onto tenths as decimals on Thursday.  After half term we will be delving into decimals further. 


This week's Science learning was slightly different to normal. We didn't have an in class Science lesson, but instead we visited the ThinkTank Museum in Birmingham where we explored lots of different Science topics. It was lovely to see the children's curiosity come to life in the Museum! We had a fantastic time! 

We hope that everyone has a safe and relaxing half term and we shall see you all soon!

Miss Olenczuk and Miss Roberts