Welcome back Turtles! What a busy week we've had already. Parts for our Year 3 and 4 production have been allocated and rehearsals are well underway.


This week we have looked at the features of a non-chronological report, in preparation for our next independent write a non-chronological report in Victorian London. We have looked at different examples and how we can use our Year 3 writing skills to help us. In particular adverbs and prepositions.


This week we have been looking at money, how to convert pence to pounds, adding money and practicing giving change. Miss Smith has been super proud of how hard everyone has worked in Maths this week. Some of the word problems were a bit tricky but you all showed great determination and carried on trying.


In History and Geography this week we have started our new topics of learning. In History we have started learning about Cradles of Civilisation. This week we looked at ancient Sumer which is now modern-day Iraq. We looked at how the ancient Sumerians lived by the river Tigris and Euphrates.

Then in Geography we are learning all about Agriculture, this week we looked at what is Agriculture and the different types of farming. The children particular enjoyed learning about arable, pastoral and mixed farming.

World Book Day 2023!

On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day, the children looked wonderful in their vibrant clothes! We shared our favourite books, we had a great variety from Roald Dhal to Match of the Day Annual. We participated in the CBBC live lesson with author Michael Rosen. We discussed how books can be special to us. We played a game where we had to guess the first line of a book. Then in the afternoon we created Story Island, in groups we each created a part of our Island and made up our own stories based on our Island. I think it is safe to say we all had a great day!