Welcome back after half term! It has been a very busy week as we have also celebrated 'World Book Day'! Take a look below to find out what we did to celebrate this special day.
In Grammar this week, we completed a word class review. We learnt all about word classes such as prepositions, conjunctions and adverbs and we then identified these in a range of different sentences. It was a great lesson to consolidate our understanding of the different word classes we use on a day-to-day basis.
In Writing this week, we have begun a new independent write which will be a persuasive letter. This week we have been developing the skills needed to successfully write a good persuasive letter. We have imagined that we were Rosa Parks writing a letter persuading the government to abolish racial segregation. On Tuesday, we looked at different WAGOLLs and identified the features of persuasive letter writing after creating our 'Feature Checklist'. On Wednesday, we wrote the introduction and first paragraph of our letter focusing on high-level, formal vocabulary. We then ended the week by looking at how we can successfully use a range of different adverbs in our writing to help make it more emotive and to help us to structure our writing.
In Arithmetic this week, we have focused upon dividing single digit numbers by 10 to give us a decimal answer. Y4 absolutely flew this skill and have really built their confidence and fluency throughout the week. Well done!
In Maths this week we have continued with our Y4 topic of 'Decimals'. On Tuesday, we looked at decimals on number lines before moving onto dividing to give decimal answers on Wednesday. Y4 are still doing very well with their work on decimals and I have no doubt that this will continue into next week.
In History this week we have started our brand new topic 'Roman Britain'. This week we learnt all about Julius Caesar's attempt to conquer Britain (which the Romans called Britannia). We discovered that Julius Caesar actually attempted twice to conquer Britain but was not successful either time. He did however make a map of the south coast of Britain in the hope that it would one day mean Britain would be conquered by the Roman Empire. There was one Roman Emperor who did however successfully manage to conquer Britannia and this emperor was Claudius. It took him 4 years to do this and he took 40,000 soldiers to fight off the Celtic tribes that were defending their territory, but Claudius and the Roman soldiers were ultimately successful and were victorious in conquering Britannia.
In Geography this week we have also started a brand new topic entitled 'Tourism'. This week we learnt all about the British seaside town 'Llandudno'. We learnt all about Llandudno's location and why it is such a popular seaside town to visit. We learnt that many people go to Llandudno to: paddle in the sea, build sandcastles and to watch the famous Punch and Judy show. We then used our knowledge gained from the lesson to create some advertisement posters to encourage people to visit Llandudno. There were lots of really good examples of posters in which Y4 Manatees made! A huge well done!
World Book Day
On Thursday we celebrated 'World Book Day'. This year we wanted to celebrate diversity by asking children to wear clothing which reflects their culture or heritage or something brightly coloured. To celebrate World Book Day, Y4 read some amazing stories about Black people in History who have changed the world in really positive ways. We then worked in groups to try and persuade the rest of the class as to why a certain leader was the best leader based on what that person had achieved. We also read some truly amazing stories about Muslim people who also have changed the world by doing something spectacular. In the afternoon we then made some wooden spoon characters based on our favourite books characters or a character in which we had invented ourselves. Take a look below at some of the really cool examples we made in Y4 Manatees. We then finished the day by playing pass the parcel in which between each layer of wrapping paper were clues that related to the hidden book. Y4 Manatees managed to correctly identify all three mystery books. This was a lovely day full of lots of amazing books and stories. We hope that this day has encouraged everyone to read and to develop a love for reading!
Thank you for taking the time to read this weeks blog, we hope that everyone enjoys their weekend!
Miss Selman and Miss Marsh