What an exciting week we have had in Nursery this week! As part of our topic People Who Help Us, we had some very special visitors come into school - Police Officers! They talked to us all about how they keep us safe, the equipment that they use and the different sirens on their police cars. We also got to try on their uniforms which was great fun. We could then talked about lots of different roles that police officers need to do and the lots of ways that they can keep us safe. 

We especially enjoyed listening to the sirens on the police car, although they were very, very loud!

To celebrate British Science Week we talked about different types of minibeasts and where we might find them. We then focused on one of our current favourites - worms! We talked about the types of places that worms like to live, and then went on to create a wormery. Following this came the really fun part - searching the playground for worms! Once found, we took them over to the wormery. 

We also talked about keeping healthy this week, including the role of dentists and doctors. We differentiated between the healthy and unhealthy food items in order to create a healthy plate. We talked about food that is and isn't good for our teeth, which then lead to thinking about how we clean our teeth.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, we look forward to welcoming you back to school on Monday!