In English this week we have been focusing on writing a letter based on the story of Lost and Found. First we we kept the features of a letter before we then went on to creating a plan together. From this plan we wrote the introduction of our letter to the birds to tell them the penguin was safe and happy in his new home. We then began to write the main body of our letter to tell the birds what has happened since we last saw them. 

In Maths we have been continuing our work on time. This week we have focused on telling the time to half past. We talked about the hands on the clock and the positioning. We then used clocks to practically show the given times. We then applied our knowledge and understanding of half past to varied fluency questions and problem solving and reasoning.

In Design and Technology this week, we have been discussing the importance of food hygiene in preparation for us making our own dips next week. We also practised cutting safely using the different methods of bridging and the claw. We practised this using play dough and child safety knives. The children all did amazing with this and are all very excited to make their dips next week. 

In PSHCE, we discussed the people that can keep us safe. We also looked at keeping safe in the home. We looked at different scenarios and pictures, identified the hazards and talked about why in fact they were hazards and what we could do to make it a safer environment. The children were fantastic in their discussions, giving wonderful explanations and reasons behind their thinking, as well as giving fabulous examples.

Next week sees us in our last week before half term. We will also be finishing the week off on Friday afternoon with our end of term golden time. 

Have a wonderful weekend. 

Miss Bickerton-Dean and Mrs Dove xx