Image of Dino Disco!
3 June 2024

Dino Disco!

Today year 2 had a visit from CBSO Hybrid Orchestra who performed for the children. We learnt all about rhythm, tempo, pitch etc… At the end we had a dinosaur disco, great fun was had by all. 

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Image of Skara Brae
10 May 2024

Skara Brae

Continuing our History topic of the Stone Age we looked at the Pre-Historic village of Skara Brae which can be found in the Orkney Isles. Some of our human ancestors stopped being nomadic (moving around) and built homes. These small homes were round in shape and everything was made from…

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Image of The Stone Age
2 May 2024

The Stone Age

In History we have being learning learning about are human ancestors. We looked at cave paintings created in the Stone Age. We learnt that these were found all over the world and often depicted animals. We explored how these paintings can tell us about life in the Stone Age.

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Image of Internet searching
29 April 2024

Internet searching

In computing we have continued to look at effective searching online. Today we have used our searching skills to answer questions about Dinosaurs. We have looked at how when we search online it creates a digital footprint.

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26 April 2024

Multiskills- Balancing

In PE we have being looking at balancing on different body parts, and what we can do to stay balanced.

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Image of Music fun!
20 February 2024

Music fun!

Today we have started our new topic of ‘Knowing different sounds’. We have listed to a new piece of music and used the glockenspiels to compose our own song. 

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Image of Be an Architect
16 January 2024

Be an Architect

In art we have learned all about architects and looking at different perspectives of of buildings and other structures. We looked at some famous buildings including the Taj Mahal, we then drew parts of the architecture to help us understand other people's work. 

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Image of All about Josiah Wedgewood
24 November 2023

All about Josiah Wedgewood

In History we are continuing with our topic ‘The great change makers’, today we have focused on Josiah Wedgewood we have looked at what his famous Jasperware, which is his blue and white pottery. We used our i pads to record all the changes he help make to the country. 

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Image of I pad painting
20 November 2023

I pad painting

Today we used our i pad to create pictures of hedgehogs. We used different colours and techniques to draw their spikes, spines and to add detail to our picture. 

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Image of Computing
23 October 2023


Today we used the laptops to practice changing, the font, letter size and the colour of our font. 

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Image of Autumn Leaves
16 October 2023

Autumn Leaves

Today we have created autumn leaves, we have used wax crayons to create a line drawing. Then using paint we have added colour creating a wax resistant leaves. 

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Image of Exploring the woods
28 September 2023

Exploring the woods

Today we explored Trentmill Nature Reserve to help us with our setting description. We described what we say, what we heated and what we felt. 

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