Tricky Time
In Maths this week, we have started our new topic on time. Year 4 have found time rather tricky but have shown fantastic resilience in their maths lessons. At the beginning of the week, we focussed upon telling the time to the hour and to 5 minutes, this has now become a strength in year 4. Keep…
Marvellous maths
This week in Maths we have finished off our learning all about translating and describing coordinates on a grid. Year 4 found this difficult at first as this required a lot of focus to count each square. But then towards the end of the week year 4 have shown incredible resilience and have produced…
Sensational story telling
This week we have started to prepare for our independent write which will be a narrative retell of Lilia's quest to meet Razvani. We have focussed upon extending sentences in a variety of ways through using a range of conjunctions, fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases. Year 4 have showed a…
Coronation fun
On Friday we celebrated the coronation of King Charles! I was very impressed with Stingrays creativity in creating decorative crowns for our parade. Well done to everyone they all looked brilliant! In the afternoon we then had a celebration buffet, where we enjoyed spending our time chatting,…
Wonderful Writing
This week in writing we have written our independent write which was an informal letter from the perspective of our main character Lila. Year 4 have produced some marvellous pieces of writing! We are now using our year 4 skills without even thinking. Well done year 4 keep up the hard work!