Features of a fiction text
Today we have looked at the features of a fiction book. We used our focus text of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and identified features such as the title, spine, blurb, illustrations and authors name. The children listened to the story and were then able to tell me what happened at the beginning, middle…
How to be hygienic in the toilet
Today during circle time we discussed toilet hygiene. We learnt all about washing our hands not only after going to the toilet but at other times in the day too such as before we eat or after we have been outside. We also recapped the story of pantosaurus which we learnt about during autumn term.…
Matching animal mothers to their young
Today in science and as part of our spring topic, the children have been looking at matching farm animal mothers to their offspring. We looked at animals such as cows, sheep, chickens and horses. They were able to name the animals and their young and match them up correctly.
Learning to work as a team!
Today the children took part in circle time where we were learning about the importance of working as a team and how we can do this in the classroom. We read the story Farmer Duck before deciding on some ways we can work together as a team in class this week. The children decided that they would…
A spring walk- spotting signs of spring
The children in reception went on a spring walk to see what signs of spring we could spot. We saw a birds nest, buds on the trees and daffodils. We then read our topic story outside called ‘busy spring nature wakes up’. The children really enjoyed using their senses to explore signs of spring and…
Talk for writing- Cave Baby
In book talk the children were looking at the story cave baby. We then completed a talk for writing activity where the children thought of a picture for each part of the story. We then retold the story from the beginning to the end using the pictures the children had decided upon. We love talk for…
Comparing the Arctic and the Antarctic to the UK
Today the children have been comparing the Arctic and Antarctic to the UK. We discussed the climate and how this is different along with how people travel around in the polar regions compared to how we travel in the UK. We love geography in reception class!
Animals that hibernate
Today the children were looking at and discussing animals that hibernate and those which do not. We read the story ‘Don’t hog the hedge’ and then discussed the animals in the story which were hibernating and what this means. We then completed an activity where the children identified animals which…
Freezing and melting
Today in reception we have been exploring the snow and discussing the process of freezing and melting. We think that the snow and ice will melt because the sun is out. We will check back later to see if we are correct!
Letter formation
Today in literacy we have been focusing on forming the letters c, an and o. We began by tracing the letters before having a go at forming them ourselves. This is a real focus currently as the children are building up to being able to write captions and full sentences. We love writing in reception!
Number formation
Today the children have been working on their number formation of numbers within 5. They had a go at tracing the numbers and then some children were able to write the numbers independently! We are super at forming our numbers.
Music in sound pots
This week in sound pots the children were exploring different actions which they could use for the songs they were singing. They really enjoyed using actions to help them remember the words!