Image of Marvellous Maps
23 June 2023

Marvellous Maps

During Geography, year 1 were se the challenge of locating seaside towns using an atlas. They learnt that atlases contain maps of the world and can help us to find specific places. Children used their prior knowledge of coastlines to know that seaside towns would be at the edge of the United…

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Image of Spotting seasides!
23 June 2023

Spotting seasides!

Today we worked together to locate the seasides around the UK using an atlas. The children drew upon their prior knowledge, knowing the seaside is located on the coast, to help them locate and identify the specific seaside destinations. The children’s map skills developed considerably throughout…

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Image of Sensational sports day!
23 June 2023

Sensational sports day!

We had a fantastic day on Thursday for KS1 sports day. The children were absolutely amazing and wowed me with their courage, determination and sportsmanship. What an incredible morning we had, finished off with a nice resting ice lolly. 

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Image of Wheely Good Wheels
23 June 2023

Wheely Good Wheels

Year 1 have continued to learn about mechanisms is DT this week. The children have made a wheel mechanism to make the wolf appear closer to Little Red Riding Hood. They used lots of skills to complete their finished product and were very proud of themselves!  ⭐️

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Image of Amazing Arithmetic!
23 June 2023

Amazing Arithmetic!

Year 4 have absolutely flew Arithmetic this week in which they have been consolidating multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. These are very important skills which will support them in lots of areas of Maths learning. Well done Y4!

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Image of Determined Writers!
23 June 2023

Determined Writers!

This week, Y4 have worked hard in their writing lessons to prepare for their next independent write which will be a narrative. They have shown super determination with skills including expanded noun phrases, prepositional phrases, conjunctions and dialogue! Keep up the determination Y4! 

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Image of Dough people
22 June 2023

Dough people

Today we set our Funky Fingers the challenge of making a dough person, they did a fantastic job, what do you think?

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Image of Sports Day
22 June 2023

Sports Day

We had an amazing sports day with lots of us getting stickers! Despite it being very hot we had a lovely time and enjoyed being in the sunshine. 

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Image of Cool coding!
22 June 2023

Cool coding!

Year Five Dolphins really enjoyed designing their own environments for their games in Computing this week!

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Image of African Art
22 June 2023

African Art

This week, Nursery impressed us with their fantastic African artwork! We have been thinking about Kenya, Africa and what it would be like to go on holiday here. We talked about the differences between Stoke-on-Trent and Kenya, such as weather, animals, clothing and schools. We then painted our…

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Image of Sports Day Superstars
22 June 2023

Sports Day Superstars

Seagulls class absolutely loved their sports day today! The showed great sporting ability and great sportsmanship to the class mates. They took part in javelin, sprints and even a tricky obstacle course! We are so proud of their efforts and they kindness they showed to each other. ⭐️

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Image of Sports day!
22 June 2023

Sports day!

Huge congratulations to all of the Puffins who took part in sports day this morning.  Despite the intense heat, you all tried your very best and were extremely competitive.  It was great to see you behaving so sensibly in front of all of your parents and relatives.  Well done…

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