Image of Deforestation Debate
3 July 2023

Deforestation Debate

We enjoyed using the opinion starters to argue why deforestation is a bad idea. We were very impressed with how many facts we remembered from last week! 

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Image of Eid Food Tasting
30 June 2023

Eid Food Tasting

Thank you so much for you kind donations of delicious food. The children were SO excited to try and it was a big thumbs up from us! 

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Image of Sharing stories
29 June 2023

Sharing stories

Several of the Puffins are really into reading at the moment.  It is lovely to see virus children bringing in reading materials from home and sharing them with the rest of the class.  Roald Dahl is proving to be a big hit with the class!

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Image of Researchers in action
29 June 2023

Researchers in action

Year 2 were researchers in their English lesson today.  They used iPads to find information about deforestation, in preparation for writing their persuasive letter to the giants.  They recorded their findings on post-its before having a class discussion about their research.  

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Image of Feature Magpies
28 June 2023

Feature Magpies

We started a new genre today, a persuasive letter. We looked at examples and found the features, discussing what they mean. We did a great job! 

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Image of Incredible impressionists in ICT!
26 June 2023

Incredible impressionists in ICT!

The Puffins were being artists in their ICT lesson today.  They used a package on Purple Mash that enabled them to express their creativity and become Impressionists.  A great effort by everyone.

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Image of Dough people
22 June 2023

Dough people

Today we set our Funky Fingers the challenge of making a dough person, they did a fantastic job, what do you think?

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Image of Sports day!
22 June 2023

Sports day!

Huge congratulations to all of the Puffins who took part in sports day this morning.  Despite the intense heat, you all tried your very best and were extremely competitive.  It was great to see you behaving so sensibly in front of all of your parents and relatives.  Well done…

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Image of Role play
15 June 2023

Role play

We’v enjoyed preparing questions to ask Greta then taking it in turns to be Greta in the hot seat.  We also practised various freeze frames to retell a particular part of the story.  Great teamwork by everyone and the children were very enthusiastic.  Well done!

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Image of Special visitor
15 June 2023

Special visitor

Miss Cawley came to visit and brought Oakley with her.  The Puffins were so excited and it was great to see how much Oakley had grown.  He was very alert and enjoyed seeing all of the children.  He even had a babble during our reading session!

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Image of Material hunt!
13 June 2023

Material hunt!

A part of our Science lesson, Puffins went on a material hunt around our school and inside the classroom.  The children were great at spotting things made from plastic/wood/metal….  Tonight they have been challenged with going home and trying to identify different materials around their house.  We…

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Image of Worry bags!
13 June 2023

Worry bags!

Puffins have been learning about emotions in PSHCE and this week we were focusing on our worries.  We listened to a story abut worries before discussion some of our own worries.  We also thought of ways of solving or sharing some of our worries.  In pairs, we wrote our worries on bags and then…

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