22 November 2022


Take a look below at some of our fantastic learning that has taken place this week in Y4 Manatees!


In Grammar this week, we have focused upon past perfect tense. We learnt how to use past perfect tense in sentences using the auxiliary verb 'had' alongside a conjunction. This is a…

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Image of WB 28/11/22
22 November 2022

WB 28/11/22

This week we have read the story leaf man to end our topic of 'Autumn'. The children have a good knowledge of seasonal changes and celebrations that take place in Autumn. The story has helped us to see the journey of a leaf during Autumn and to recap the environmental changes.

The children have…

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Image of Week Commencing 28th November 2022
22 November 2022

Week Commencing 28th November 2022

This week we have continued our learning about Autumn and really embedding our new knowledge about the seasonal change, I have been happy to see so many children back to school this week as we have had lots of germs and illnesses in our class last week. I was very impressed with some of the…

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21 November 2022

Week beginning 21/11/22

A marvellous week of learning in Dolphin Class!

Our English learning this week has seen us finish one writing genre and begin another. We started the week by completing our extended writes in relation to our third person narrative retell. We investigated how to use commas to clarify meaning,…

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Image of WB 21.11.22
21 November 2022

WB 21.11.22

This week, we have been learning all about Hibernation. We found out that the word 'hibernate' means to have a long sleep. We discussed that some animals hibernate in Autumn because the temperature gets colder and there is less food to forage. We spoke about the different animals that hibernate,…

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21 November 2022

WC 21.11.22


For Grammar this week, we have focused on using past perfect tense. We found this rather challenging to use the 'auxiliary verb 'had' alongside a conjunction. On Tuesday we showed resilience and were able to use our prior knowledge to write our very first independent write paragraph in…

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Image of WB 21/11/22
21 November 2022

WB 21/11/22

This week in Duck class we have dived deeper into Autumn and focused on the animals that hibernate. The children showed a big interest in this area and have learnt so much about hibernation. Firstly, we know that hibernation is when the animals go into a deep sleep and the children have been…

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21 November 2022

WB 21.11.22

Yet another fantastic week in Jellyfish this week! We have learnt a lot and even had time to learn a new game! Ask us to teach you at home! We are loving playing it in school. 


This week we have worked towards writing a diary entry from the perspective of Wendy Darling from Peter…

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Image of Week commencing 21st November 2022
21 November 2022

Week commencing 21st November 2022

This week we have begun our learning about Autumn and the seasonal change which we see during this time of the year. We thought the best way to see what Autumn looks like is to go on an Autumn walk around the school grounds, it was very cold but we wrapped up warm and loved every minute of it. We…

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Image of WB 21.11.2022
21 November 2022

WB 21.11.2022

Keep staying positive Year 3, you are working so incredibly hard but keep showing your school values at all times! 

This week in English, we learned all about formal and informal language at the start of the week to help us with our diary writing. We then looked at four new sentence types from…

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21 November 2022

WB 21/11/22

We had a visit from Zoo Lab, who showed us their animals and discussed how they evolved and adapted over time in order to survive.

This week, we were news reporters. We told how the Arabs had entered different countries spreading the religion of Islam throughout the world.

We have written a…

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21 November 2022


This week, we have had a number of visitors into our class. 

In Science, we welcomed Zoolab into school to link to our Evolution and Inheritance topic. Dominique, our wonderful host, showed us a number of different animals and explained how they have adapted to their environment. She even…

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