Inspired Art
Year 4 have been using charcoal to create a piece of art inspired by their class text of ‘The Lost Happy Ending’.
Shared Sense Writing
Year 4 loved worked together to begin to create sentences together using their sense plan. They are working extremely hard to create a dark, eerie forest for their reader.
This week in Geography, Year 4 have been learning about what plants and animals live in a desert!
Translating coordinates!
This week in Maths, Year 4 have been focussing on translating coordinates on a grid!
Islam bursts out of Arabia
This week in History we have been learning all about how Islam burst out of Arabia!
Tricky apostrophes!
This week in Writing we have addressed our misconceptions surrounding using apostrophes for possession. This is something year 4 have been finding really tricky but this week they have showed fantastic determination and resilience! Well done!
Terrific tectonic plates!
This week in Geography we have been learning all about tectonic plates and how earthqakes happen!
Difficult decimals!
This week in Maths, we have had a challenging week but Manatees have shown resilience in tackling some tricky decimal questions!
The Great Bread Bake Off!
This week in Design and Technology we have been practising different shaping designs for when we make our own bread!
Arabia and early Islam
In History this week, we Year 4 have started their new topic of Arabia and early Islam. We have been learning about what life was like in Makkah in 570!
String Telephones!
This week in Science Year 4 have been exploring how sound travels through different mediums. We created our very own String telephones to show this!
The Firework Maker's Daughter!
This week in writing Year 4 have started reading their brand new text for this term' The Firework Maker's Daughter'. We have created some role on the walls to begin to understand different characters thoughts, feelings and emotions.