Image of Counting Principles
10 April 2024

Counting Principles

We have recapped our counting skills. 
I am super impressed with our progress and confidence when counting. The children’s determination to reach their goal is amazing. We counted regular and irregular arrangements in different contexts. 

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Image of Floating and Sinking
15 March 2024

Floating and Sinking

Our second experiment of the day shocked us! We made our predictions that the egg would sink when put it in the water and when we tested our ideas we were right, it did sink. 
Miss Mayer then gave us water with added salt. This tricked us and the egg floated at the top of the water! 


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Image of Minibeasts!
8 March 2024


We have done lots of learning about minibeasts this week. Identifying different minibeasts we find in the garden and their habitats. The children have been using fine motor skills to catch the minibeasts with tweezers. We have completed observational drawings, minibeast tracing and building…

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Image of World Book Day
7 March 2024

World Book Day

We have took part in lots of activities today to celebrate world book day. We sequenced the story, made caterpillar hats, had buddy reading with year 3 and ended out day with hot chocolate and biscuits and a lovely story. 
We had so much fun sharing our teddies, blankets and favourite books.…

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Image of The Hungry Caterpillar Story Sequencing
7 March 2024

The Hungry Caterpillar Story Sequencing

For World Book Day we focused our learning around The Hungry Caterpillar. We read the story together and made a long, giant caterpillar with balloons! We then sequenced the story by putting the fruit onto the caterpillars tummy. 
We had so much fun and the children can talk in depth about our…

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Image of How to Plant a Seed
1 March 2024

How to Plant a Seed

We have been exploring plants all week and the children were very excited to plant their own. We looked at what we would need as a group and named the different resources ‘seed, pot, soil, watering can, trowel’, we then wen to collect our resources in small groups, recapping the correct names and…

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Image of Throwing and Catching
26 February 2024

Throwing and Catching

This week we used our prior knowledge of ‘underarm throw’ to begin throwing and catching to friends. We recapped target throwing at the beginning of the lesson and most were ready to move on.

We learnt the importance of knowing our partner is ready to catch for their safety. Making eye contact,…

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Image of Signs of Spring
22 February 2024

Signs of Spring

This term we will be learning all about Spring and the environmental changes we will see. We have began with learning about the weather. Our story ‘Spring Time’ has helped us to understand what different signs we may see over the next few weeks and the children have shown an interest in rainbows. 

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Image of Number Representation with Fingers to 5
21 February 2024

Number Representation with Fingers to 5

We have learnt the number 5 this week. We sang different number rhymes which gave us the opportunity to show number up to 5 on our fingers. 
The children have become confident with finger representations and loved singing ‘5 Little Ducks’ ‘5 Speckled frogs’. 

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Image of Exploring Our New RolePlay Area
20 February 2024

Exploring Our New RolePlay Area

This week we were introduced to a new role play area. The children recognised the logo straight away. “It’s Aldi”. 
They have loved using the trolleys, baskets and different props to support their play. They have created narratives collaboratively and acting out their experiences. It has been…

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Image of Target Throwing
19 February 2024

Target Throwing

In PE we have moved on to learning ball skills. The children have began with ‘throwing’. We learnt how to use an underarm throw and practised throwing a bean bag into a target. 
we moved the hoop closer for support and further away when we began to challenge our selfs. 
we had so much fun and…

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Image of Dancing!
8 February 2024


In PE we have been taking part in dancing. 

This week we loved learning dance moves and adding these to music. We started with warming up to a familiar dance, following the actions as best as we could. We then took some of these moves and made our own sequence. We added music and danced. 

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