Sorting Objects by Size
The children have been great at identifying and using the vocabulary 'big and small'. We looked at a range of objects from the environment and sorted them into groups in pairs. We told our friends why we thought one was big and one was small.
Sorting Objects by Size
The children have been great at identifying and using the vocabulary 'big and small'. We looked at a range of objects from the environment and sorted them into groups in pairs. We told our friends why we thought one was big and one was small.
Fine Motor Rangoli Patterns!
This week we have been learning how Hindu's celebrate Diwali. We looked at 'Rangoli Patterns'. These are patterns drawn on the ground and traditionally decorated in sand. We loved the look of them and used our fine motor skills to decorate our own.
We used the tweezers to pick up different…
Children in Need
Today we celebrated Children in Need. We discussed why we are celebrating and how different people celebrate.
The children loved coming to school in yellow, spotty clothes! We loved creating masks, cutting, tracing and taking part in Pudsey activities!
Quantity to Number
We recognised all of the numbers 0-3! We then used the leaves to represent the value of the number.
Great work Ducklings!
PE AL - Musical Statues
In PE the children are beginning to understand we take part in PE to stay healthy and they are developing an understanding of what 'healthy' means. We love completing our warm up first and learning new stretches/moves. We recapped the lesson with different ways of moving while listening to 'Lets…
In maths this week we have been learning how to subitise amounts up to 3. The children are great at recognising the numerals and we are now recognising regular patterns. We worked with our friends in a group to roll the dice and shout the amount we saw, we then completed an action to match that…
Autumn walk
We have been learning all about the signs of Autumn. We then used our senses to go on an Autumn walk and describe what we see, feel and hear. The children loved exploring the school grounds! We collected leaves, sticks and brought them back to explore in the classroom.
We were very lucky to…
Phonics - Body Percussion
We have been exploring different ways to make sounds with our bodies! We cam up with tapping, stomping, clapping, patting and much more!
We have loved making the sounds together and exploring loud, quiet, fast and slow.
We then used a steady beat to create movement to the music, we used…
Comparing Families
We have been reading the story 'the Family Book' which has led to great discussions about who is in our family, and how they are different to our friends families.
We completed a jigsaw on the table as a group and then discussed how each of the families in the picture were different. We looked…
PE - Listening Games
In PE we have been focusing on listening and following instructions. The children have loved going into the hall and taking part in their PE lessons. We have spoke about the importance of listening and following instruction for our own safety and enjoyment. This week we played 'Sticky Kids…