Colourful watercolours!
We have focused on the artist Paul Klee and learnt how his art was inspired by his travels to Tunisia in Africa. He enjoyed the bright bold colours and shapes all around him and used this within his work. We used one of his pieces as our inspiration and imitated his work using bold colours and…
We have used water soluble pens to draw shells and spirals. We then added water to it and watched the ink spread.
Continuous shells
We have created continuous line drawings of shells. We have tried so hard to keep our pen on the page to draw a full shell. It takes patience and concentration!
This week in Art, we learnt all about typography and applied our understanding to designing each letter of our names! Y6 Whales did a fantastic job of this and produced some really creative pieces of artwork!
Inspired Art
Year 4 have been using charcoal to create a piece of art inspired by their class text of ‘The Lost Happy Ending’.
Art and crafts
Check out these amazing optical illusion pictures created by our talented year 5 and 6 children!!
Funky fingers!
Our year two funky fingers learned how to finger knit! With patience and skill we made some colourful bangles!
World Book Day Fun
This morning for World Book Day we have been looking at the story Matilda. We drew our favourite character from the text and used our iPads to animate them and bring them to life. We had so much fun doing this and the result was fantastic. Look out for the video to follow!
Funky Fingers
Today in funky fingers our year 2 children got creative peg boards! They created some amazing patterns! They also made some very impressive structures with the construction straws!
Funky fingers!
Our year 2s got chatty making their chatter box’s today! They made them very colourful and shared some very kind and positive comments to each other!
Funky fingers fun!
Here are our year 2s getting super creative with the play dough! We had some very interesting and detailed models!
Master Puppeteers
Year 6 have worked in teams to brainstorm ideas for their shadow puppet creations. They have considered the scenery, characters and what resources they will enquire to create their performance.