Creating the Three Little Pigs' houses using different materials
We used different materials from the story 'The Three Little Pigs' to create our own houses. We used our knowledge of the story to collage the three houses built by the Three Little Pigs - straw, sticks and bricks. After creating our artwork, we enjoyed discussing the suitability of each material…
Junk Modelling!
We love junk modelling! We thought about what we would like to build and then independently chose our resources. We thought about where and how to stick them, what shapes may represent my model and enjoyed describing them to our friends.
We had lots of different models such as rockets, cars,…
2D Shapes and their Properties
This week in maths we have used the play dough to make different 2D shapes. We are super confident with their names and we were able to discuss some of their properties. We focused on using words such as ‘curved and straight’. The children could recall how many sides and corners the shapes had and…
Designing a house
We explored different construction materials and discussed which we could use to create a house. We spoke about the properties of the materials and considered their suitability. After this, we drew a plan of our house design. We are looking forward to building our houses next week!
Exploring Our New Role Play
This week we have had a new role play area. This has supported our new topic ‘Amazing Animals’. The children have been using the names of the animals and we have been exploring how to care for animals and what they need.
We will be learning further about the care animals need, including…
Animal Textures,
Our new topic this term is ‘Amazing Animals’. We have been looking at different animals this week and talking about their names, what they look like, where they live and if we could have them as a pet or not.
We enjoyed talking about the animals that we have at home and animals that we have seen…
Happy Spring
Happy Spring! We hope you enjoyed your cards. We have loved learning about the Season and looking forward to seeing more signs.
We used printing to decorate a rabbit on the front of our card and wrote our names.
Playing the glockenspiels
We enjoyed playing the glockenspiels for the first time this week! We played along to nursery rhymes, first of all matching the rhythm, and then tapping to the beat!
We have done lots of learning about minibeasts this week. Identifying different minibeasts we find in the garden and their habitats. The children have been using fine motor skills to catch the minibeasts with tweezers. We have completed observational drawings, minibeast tracing and building…
Mothers Day Celebrations
This weekend it will be Mother’s Day and the children have made cards to show their love and appreciation for everything you do. We talked about everything our family does for us and how this makes us feel. We had some lovely ideas as to why we love you.
Inside our card we have a little…
World Book Day
We have took part in lots of activities today to celebrate world book day. We sequenced the story, made caterpillar hats, had buddy reading with year 3 and ended out day with hot chocolate and biscuits and a lovely story.
We had so much fun sharing our teddies, blankets and favourite books.…
The Hungry Caterpillar Story Sequencing
For World Book Day we focused our learning around The Hungry Caterpillar. We read the story together and made a long, giant caterpillar with balloons! We then sequenced the story by putting the fruit onto the caterpillars tummy.
We had so much fun and the children can talk in depth about our…