Funky Favelas!
Today we have learned about the advantages and disadvantages of living in a favela. Did you know that in favelas there are no sewers or electricity provided!
Arable farming!
This week in Geography, Y6 have looked further into Arable farming considering the ideal conditions and land for growing crops. We also looked at what is meant by the growing season and why it is important for farmers. Y6 are showing a really good understanding of agriculture so far and I have no…
Comparing the Arctic and the Antarctic to the UK
Today the children have been comparing the Arctic and Antarctic to the UK. We discussed the climate and how this is different along with how people travel around in the polar regions compared to how we travel in the UK. We love geography in reception class!
Oceans and Climate Change!
Today we learned all about how the oceans regulate our climate. The ocean is like a big thermostat! Due to global warming, sea levels rise so we learned the order that this happens:
1. People burn fossil fuels.
2. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rises.
3. Average global…
How can the ocean effect the weather?
In Geography this week, we learnt about how the oceans regulate temperature, rainfall and gases in the air. We then discussed how the atmosphere is like a greenhouse around the Earth and this is called the Greenhouse Effect.
Climate Change presentation
Year six have completed their Geography topic by presenting everything they have learnt to the class, including how we can help slow down climate change!
Detailed deserts
In our Geography lesson this week, we have been learning all about how deserts are formed. By the end of the lesson, we were able to confidently use key high level vocabulary to give detailed explanations to answer challenging questions. Some key words included: vegetation, dersertification,…
Marvellous Maps
During Geography, year 1 were se the challenge of locating seaside towns using an atlas. They learnt that atlases contain maps of the world and can help us to find specific places. Children used their prior knowledge of coastlines to know that seaside towns would be at the edge of the United…
Spotting seasides!
Today we worked together to locate the seasides around the UK using an atlas. The children drew upon their prior knowledge, knowing the seaside is located on the coast, to help them locate and identify the specific seaside destinations. The children’s map skills developed considerably throughout…
Drenched in Dovedale
Year 6 went on a trip to Dovedale as part of our Out and About Week. This linked to our geography fieldwork study, where we got to see human features of geography including river features, different terrain and the joyous British weather!
Comparing Africa and the UK - traditions and cultures
We looked at images of different traditions/ways of life in both Africa and the UK. This included types of traditional clothing, transport and homes. We discussed the images in small groups, making comparisons between the two locations. We then sorted images into groups whilst having some great…
In our Geography topic ‘Migration’, we have learnt about a young girl called Serra who migrated from a small town in Turkey to Tottenham, London. We talked about her push and pull factors, and whether her migration was voluntary or involuntary. Finally, we compared this to another migration story…