Dino Disco!
Today year 2 had a visit from CBSO Hybrid Orchestra who performed for the children. We learnt all about rhythm, tempo, pitch etc… At the end we had a dinosaur disco, great fun was had by all.
Playing the glockenspiels
We enjoyed playing the glockenspiels for the first time this week! We played along to nursery rhymes, first of all matching the rhythm, and then tapping to the beat!
Music fun!
Today we have started our new topic of ‘Knowing different sounds’. We have listed to a new piece of music and used the glockenspiels to compose our own song.
Playing and performing
Today we had lots of fun listening and responding to music. We also enjoyed playing and performing using the nots c, d, e.
Garage Band enrichment
Our Garage Band superstars produced some fantastic music including in a dance style, acoustic and even music from other cultures.
Music in sound pots
This week in sound pots the children were exploring different actions which they could use for the songs they were singing. They really enjoyed using actions to help them remember the words!
Christmas Sing Alog
Today the Singing Superstars visited a Care home to sing some Christmas songs to the residents. The residents joined in with the singing, clapped along and some even had a little boogie. We were so proud of the children.
Musical maestros
Year 6 used music technology to practice composing four bar melodies. We experimented with pitch by using a piano keyboard, seeing how the notes move on the musical stave.
We love singing!
Every Thursday we participate in our singing assembly. Year 3 are always so enthusiastic when they are singing and we have been known to be heard all around school! Well done everyone!
Tuneful Tuesday
We had SO much fun using the glockenspiels in today’s music lesson. We learned a simple tune of ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ to get us used to using them.
Reading musical notation
Year 6 have been practicing reading musical notation and understanding the progression up and down the musical stave. We have learnt about crotchet, minim and dotted notes and their values (using our Maths skills to understand that a dot indicates half the value of the musical note added on…