13 February 2023

Week beginning 13/02/23

English this week saw us completing our Independent Write using our alternative characters that we made last week. The stories that the children created were very fun to read and it is obvious how our imagination has come to light in this piece of work. This won't be the end of our characters…

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23 January 2023

Week beginning 23/01/23

Another busy week in Narwhals! It's great to see how many of the children have increased their attendance this half term and I'm also very proud of how much fun they're having with their swimming lessons. This week even the instructors commented on how great their listening skills were and how…

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16 January 2023

Week beginning 16/01/23

In maths this week we have moved onto converting units of measurement. This saw us looking at converting grams to kilograms, millimetres to metres, metres to kilometres and litres to millilitres. After spending so long on decimals it was nice to move onto another area of learning but we actually…

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9 January 2023

Week beginning 09/01/23

Another week done in Narwhals and our first full week of Spring 1. The children have been getting back into the full swing of things and many are excited for the weeks to come, especially with starting swimming next week.

In English we have begun to prepare for our next independent write which…

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2 January 2023

Week beginning 02/01/23

Hello and Happy New Year to you all, it was great to see the children back in school ready for a new term and settling back into our routine so quickly! With only 3 days this week we've had a lot to fit into a short time frame.

In our English learning, we have begun looking at our new class…

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21 November 2022

W.B: 21/11/22

Our English learning this week saw us not only finishing our 3rd person narrative recount but also starting our next writing genre which is a 1st person diary entry from Mr Tom. The final pieces were brilliant and really showcased an ability to hold a reader in suspense right until the final word,…

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14 November 2022

W.B: 14/11/22

Another very busy week in Narwhal Class, the highlight being our trip to Jodrell Bank, the children represented the school fantastically and it was great to see them not only enthralled in what was going on around them but also to see them using the knowledge they had gained in class to ask and…

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7 November 2022

W.B: 7/11/22

Hi everyone, what a busy week we've had! As well as our usual learning we also had the joy of inviting parents in for consultations, thank you to all those who attended. It was great fun showing you all the progress your children have made, there's so much to cram into 10 minutes so thank you to…

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31 October 2022

W.B: 31/10/22

Welcome back to another half term in Narwhal Class! We wasted no time jumping into our learning and already it's looking like it'll be a fun one.

In our English learning, we started our new text 'Goodnight Mister Tom'. This is a text I remember doing as a child and to see the children get so…

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10 October 2022

Week beginning 10/10/22

Week 6 has been a very busy week with the effects of the first half term now taking its toll on the children, despite this they have continued to work hard and try their best with their learning, resulting in a lovely week. 

Our English learning this week has been focused around a new writing…

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3 October 2022

Week beginning 03/10/22

One more week down as we inch ever closer to completing out first half term, only two more weeks to go!

In our English learning this week, we've continued our work and finished our 2nd extended write! Well done everyone they were a pleasure to read!  We began the week looking at the correct use…

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26 September 2022

Week beginning 26/09/22

Another week done and only 3 left to go until half term, it's amazing how fast time is flying by.

In English this week, we have started our second writing genre, a third person re-tell. We decided to do ours based on Chapter 3 of Rumaysa where we see her first interaction with the witch. We…

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