Image of Editors at work!
9 June 2023

Editors at work!

We’ve been editing our recount of our trip to the park.  Everyone was able to find something in their work that could be improved and some children went into even more detail about our little adventure.  

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Image of Super certificate!
9 June 2023

Super certificate!

Well done to Connor who was presented with a certificate from Mrs Willis in assembly today.  She also commented on the fantastic dancing that she’d seen all of the Puffins doing in their PE session.  We have some movers in Puffins!

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Image of A wonderful walk in the sunshine!
8 June 2023

A wonderful walk in the sunshine!

We went for a walk around our local area to gather key vocabulary to use in our English independent write.  We had a lovely walk along the canal before ending up in Hanley Park where we had time to explore the park and all of its exciting equipment.  Some people’s feet were very tired by the time…

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Image of Keen gardeners!
26 May 2023

Keen gardeners!

As part of our Science lesson today, Puffins put what we’d be learning in class into practise and we planted some wild flower seeds in the school grounds.  Initially we talked about the different steps we’d need to follow in order to plant our seeds.  Once we’d gathered all of our equipment…

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Image of Musical movers!
12 May 2023

Musical movers!

Puffins used their bodies to move in time to the music and to follow the beat of the music.  They enjoyed singing “high/low” extracts and clapping to copy the owls.  We have some real movers in this class!

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Image of Surprising seeds!
12 May 2023

Surprising seeds!

Today we checked to see how our cress seeds were growing.  Some pots had a rather strange smell coming from them!  Others looked exactly as we had left them the other week - seeds and cotton wool.  Using our investigative skills we decided that sunlight and water were the most ideal conditions…

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Image of Coronation celebrations
5 May 2023

Coronation celebrations

We have had a lovely day beginning with our crown parade in the hall.  This afternoon we decorated Union Jack flags to take to our Cornonation party.  Later on, we made Coronation bookmarks and reflected upon previous Queen’s coronation.  We are all super excited for tomorrow and some of the…

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Image of Super scientists!
4 May 2023

Super scientists!

Working as scientists, we set up various experiments around our classroom to see what plants really need in order to grow into healthy plants.  We placed some cress seeds in sunlight, some in dark places, watered some and didn’t water some of the cress seeds.  We’ll observe what happens to the…

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Image of Stone Age hunter-gatherers
26 April 2023

Stone Age hunter-gatherers

We’ve been learning about hunter-gatherers in the Stone Age and had to work out which items of food were hunted and which items were gathered by our human ancestors.

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Image of Exploring emotions
26 April 2023

Exploring emotions

We have been exploring emotions and using our group working skills, we sorted the emotions into positive and negative categories.  We discussed why we had put particular emotions in a category.

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Image of Wonderful weaving!
21 April 2023

Wonderful weaving!

Today Puffins did some fantastic weaving, creating an under the sea placemat, making their own weft and carefully weaving strips of paper through the weft.  Amazing efforts all around!

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Image of Seeing double!
20 April 2023

Seeing double!

We’ve been looking at lines of symmetry in maths and applying this knowledge to 2D shapes.

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