Image of Hello Lighthouse - Diary writing
23 June 2023

Hello Lighthouse - Diary writing

We have been writing diaries in Year 1 this week, using the text Hello Lighthouse. We focused on using last tense and first person, as well as including all the features  of a diary entry. Today we planned a diary entry for our independent write next week. The children came up with lots of amazing…

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Image of Marvellous Maps
23 June 2023

Marvellous Maps

During Geography, year 1 were se the challenge of locating seaside towns using an atlas. They learnt that atlases contain maps of the world and can help us to find specific places. Children used their prior knowledge of coastlines to know that seaside towns would be at the edge of the United…

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Image of Spotting seasides!
23 June 2023

Spotting seasides!

Today we worked together to locate the seasides around the UK using an atlas. The children drew upon their prior knowledge, knowing the seaside is located on the coast, to help them locate and identify the specific seaside destinations. The children’s map skills developed considerably throughout…

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Image of Sensational sports day!
23 June 2023

Sensational sports day!

We had a fantastic day on Thursday for KS1 sports day. The children were absolutely amazing and wowed me with their courage, determination and sportsmanship. What an incredible morning we had, finished off with a nice resting ice lolly. 

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Image of Wheely Good Wheels
23 June 2023

Wheely Good Wheels

Year 1 have continued to learn about mechanisms is DT this week. The children have made a wheel mechanism to make the wolf appear closer to Little Red Riding Hood. They used lots of skills to complete their finished product and were very proud of themselves!  ⭐️

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Image of Wild flowers
22 June 2023

Wild flowers

In science, year one continued to learn more about plants, today we learnt that some plants are wild plants, which means they grow by themselves without any help from humans, how amazing! We investigated wild plants in our school and recorded our findings, we found lots of daisies, buttercups and…

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Image of Funky fingers do origami !
21 June 2023

Funky fingers do origami !

We had lots of fun making our very kind chatterbox’s! Can you use you’re funky fingers and make one to?

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Image of Lifting Levers
16 June 2023

Lifting Levers

During DT, Year 1 have continued their learning on mechanisms by making a lever. They learn that levers move around a fixed point - the pivot. They used a lever to make Jack climb the beanstalk. They were so impressed with the work they had done.

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Image of Celebrating Monarchs
16 June 2023

Celebrating Monarchs

This week in History we have been  answering the question “How do we celebrate monarchs?”. In doing so we learnt all about the jubilee and how this celebrates the monarchs major milestones. We also  found out that Kings and Queens have two birthdays. During the summer birthday celebration they…

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Image of Tricky tense
16 June 2023

Tricky tense

Year 1 have worked on writing in the past tense this week! They learnt that when writing in the past tense we are writing about something that has already happened. at first they found this a little tricky to know how tenses can be changed but eventually they blew us away with their writing.


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Image of Terrible Tudor and Vicious Victoria
9 June 2023

Terrible Tudor and Vicious Victoria

In History we are learning about Kings and Queens. This week we have been looking at famous monarchs, discussing their lives and both the changes they saw and made. 

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Image of Cool Coastlines
9 June 2023

Cool Coastlines

Year 1 are learning all about the coast this term. This week, they have learnt that the coastline is where the land meets the sea. Children learnt that there are many types of coastlines including, beaches, bays, cliffs and sand dunes. The children labelled physical features on images, aerial…

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