Reflecting Shapes!
This week in Maths, Y6 have learnt how to reflect shapes in both the x and y axis. This is a tricky skill that requires precision however, Y6 worked hard to produce some fantastic work. Well done Y6!
Athens and Sparta!
In our History lesson this week, Y6 explored the two Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta. We showcased our learning through drawing the key elements of the Greek city-states and annotating our drawings identifying the different buildings and areas that would have been found in each of the…
World Book Day!
As part of World Book Day, Y6 completed an Art task based on the book ‘Art & Max’. We used paint to create the dot designs on our lizards inspired by the characters from the text. I’m sure you will agree that the children did a fantastic job of them!
Engaging in Maths
Year 6 have been using their iPads to work though Maths problems with their teacher. Using our technology means that all children are engaged and taking an active role in every lesson.
Let’s up the voltage!
Year 6 have been investigating what happens when we increase the voltage in a circuit.
Arable farming!
This week in Geography, Y6 have looked further into Arable farming considering the ideal conditions and land for growing crops. We also looked at what is meant by the growing season and why it is important for farmers. Y6 are showing a really good understanding of agriculture so far and I have no…
Feature finding!
This week in Writing, we worked in pairs to find features of formal letter writing in a range of different WAGOLLs. We worked really well in pairs, showing our school values of respect and excellence!
Circuit diagrams!
This week in Science, we have started a brand new topic entitled ‘Electricity’. In our lesson this week, we looked at drawing circuit diagrams using the correct scientific symbols. We even experimented with circuit equipment we have in school to see if we could get a light bulb to light…
What colour is light?
Take a look at some of the amazing Science work produced by Y6 in Science this week. Y6 were tasked with researching light. Specifically, they were asked to research the question ‘What colour is light?’. They have presented their finding beautifully, drawing upon key scientists like Isaac…
Amazing Angles!
Y6 have started a brand new Maths topic this week which explores Geometry. We began by looking at angles in a right angle, straight line and around a point. Later on in the week, we shall be exploring angles in a triangle and other shapes. Geometry in Y6 can be tricky however Y6 are showing…
Super Science Investigating!
Take a look at some super investigating we’ve been doing in Science recently! Yesterday, we investigated shadows, proving that shadows are a similar shape to the object that cast them! Today, we’ve learnt all about refraction and used water, straws and other objects to see how refraction creates…
Imperial War Museum
Year 6 visited the Imperial War Museum after studying ‘War Horse’ in our English lessons. We further extended our knowledge of how animals were helpful in the war effort through an interactive tour of the museum.