Bikeability superstars
Year 6 have taken to the road as part of their Bikeability programme this week, showing confidence when cycling on busy roads. They continued to show our expectations of being ready, respectful and safe at all times. Well done Year 6!
Year 6 Entrepreneurship Day!
Today we have had an entrepreneurship day in Year 6 Whales! We learned all about what it takes to be a part of team, what a good team manager looks like and what will happen if you have a catchy slogan for your product! We have created adverts for our own brand of lemonade, researched recipes and…
Our last Sports Day!
We had a great afternoon complete in many different activities for our last ever Sports Day at Primary School!
We had some tight calls for first place during the sprint, some egg-cellent egg and spoon finishers and some outstanding obstacle course winners!
I couldn’t believe how far the…
Brilliant Blood!
Over the last two weeks, we have learned all about the circulatory system and what it is made up of: blood, blood vessels and the heart. In today’s science lesson, we learned more about the three different blood vessels (arteries, veins and capillaries) and what our blood is made up of! Did you…
Cruel Child Labour!
This week in History, we have learned all about the awful life that children had working in factories during the Industrial Revolution. We discussed the Factory Act of 1833 then wrote a diary entry from the point of view from a child worker in a mill in 1833 after studying some historical sources.…
Super Suspense and Terrifying Tension!
To enable our writing to have appropriate vocabulary within, we looked at how to use suspense and tension within narrative writing. We used skills such as show not tell, figurative language and a range of clause structures to build appropriate suspense and tension up within our writing.
Brilliant Bee-Bot!
We took our learning outside today as we started our new DT topic, Programming Adventures. We learned how to programme and control floor robots and even became robots ourselves! We used floor robot programming cards to ‘programme’ our friends to travel across the playground! We really enjoyed…
Never let your past destroy your future…
What a fantastic Art lesson we have had learning all about the messages behind Banksy’s art. We created our own whole class message and completed our own art work based on that, they were phenomenal!
All hail Macbeth, King of Scotland!
We used freeze-frames to practise our acting skills and we put those to use to bring the banquet for Macbeth to life! We had some brilliant, budding actors and actresses who shone throughout their roleplay. Well done Whales, your confidence increased throughout the lesson. We are so proud of you…
This week in writing we moved on to our new genre of narrative writing. We discussed features which make narrative writing engaging, before discussing the features of ‘building suspense and tension’ in more detail, we discussed how ‘show not tell’ can make our writing more engaging and…
To start our maths lessons this week Year 6 answered a range of fraction questions to help prepare them for their SATs Arithmetic paper. We looked at adding and subtracting fractions, before moving on to multiplying and dividing fractions using the KFC (keep, flip and change) method.…
This week in writing we immersed ourselves in our class text ‘Wonder’ and answered a range of VIPERS (vocabulary, inference, prediction, explain, retrieval, summarise) questions showing our understanding of the text and to help us prepare for our new genre of writing.
Year 6…