The Inclusion curriculum at Waterside is based on the principle that all children are able to access their year group curriculum and where children require additional support they are given the tools to do so. This may be through QFT, Interventions or SEN support. The curriculum is progressive and allows children to consolidate and remain secure on previously taught objectives before moving their learning on. Our puddles assessment ensure that children are able to work alongside of their peers.
For our more able pupils the curriculum allows children to continue to progress in their learning from going deeper within their year group or moving onto the next year group objectives for our Gifted and Exceptional children.
At Waterside our puddle provision is used to ensure that we meet the needs of the children who need additional support. Our puddles provision provides tailored support and intervention alongside the use of QFT to close the gap between children with SEND and their peers. This puddle provision takes into account the children’s needs, their strengths, their likes and dislikes and any other relevant information to ensure that support is well matched to the child.
To ensure that all children are able to access the curriculum learning is well adapted to meet their needs ensuring that they can, as much as possible, access the same learning as their peers. There maybe times when learning for some pupils needs to be further adapted to ensure that they can make progress. .