To all parents and carers,

I can report that the Ofsted report has still not been published. It is undergoing quality assurance and this can delay the report by a week or so but I assure you it won’t be long before we can share the Waterside outcomes. The attendance last week was low in school, but it was due to many of our families celebrating EID. A special time for so many. We all hope you had a sensational time celebrating with friends and family. It is important that we celebrate such special times, in school the children who were in school were enjoying learning about EID and what makes this day so special for Muslims. They thoroughly enjoyed it and a display will be up in school to celebrate. If you have photos to go on our special board of family occasions, will you kindly send them into school for our display throughout summer.

This week we will be focusing on attendance being back above 97%. Attendance is vital and significantly linked to achievement. The children with poor attendance do not achieve as high an outcome as pupils with attendance 97% and above. Therefore, please ensure your child is in school. A reminder – term time holidays at any time are not permitted. It could result in significant fines and legal monitoring through the local authority. This is in line with the school and local authority policy.

This week it is the phonics screening testing week for Year 1. Our children will take this opportunity to shine and show why phonics is a strength of Waterside. We wish them the best of luck. Results will be shared with parents in July.

Due to EID not all parents could attend the optional parent meeting to speak about the SRE policy. We did say to ensure fair opportunity we would offer another appointment. This has been booked for Thursday 13th June. Invites will go out tomorrow. A huge thank you to parents who did attend. It was fantastic to have the positive feedback we had around inclusive practice and communication from parents. This is what we pride ourselves on to create positive partnerships.

Any questions pop in or email me on

Mrs Knowles and the Waterside Team.