This week we have been learning all about our emotions. We have used the story 'The Colour Monster' to support our learning. The children are great at sitting down and listening to the story, they can answer questions, discuss the features of the story and are able to relate events to their own personal experiences. For example, we discussed what makes us happy, sad, scared.
We have pulled out new vocabulary from our story such as 'fear' 'confused', it had been lovely to hear this vocabulary used within their own discussions and play.
In literacy this week we have been working on our fine motor skills. This is an area that the children will work on independently through their provision and also have time with an adult to support their needs. It is so important the children develop their muscles in their fingers through fine motor in preparation for their writing. Without strong fingers and good control the children will struggle holding a pencil and forming letters. We remember not to rush the children into writing until they are confident and secure with fine motor.
In maths this week we have been singing lots of number rhymes. This has supported our counting within 10, we have counted forwards and backwards within sequence. It has been lovely to hear that some children have come home singing the different number rhymes and I have already noticed progress with the children's confidence around counting. We also looked at showing finger representation during the songs. For example, when singing 5 little monkeys, the children are showing each number on their fingers as we sing along.
The children have been creating their own 'mood monsters' this week. The have selected the tools and resources they would like and manipulated the dough to achieve their desired effect. They have been rolling, patting, moulding and cutting, contributing to their fine motor skills. The children have explained how they made their monster and what feelings they have represented.
In addition to this, we have been exploring colours by matching colours and mixing colours to see what will happen.
In PE this week we have continued different games where we can challenge our listening skills and ability to follow different instructions. The children have remembered different types of movements that we looked at last week and we have added to this by introducing 'skipping, hoping, jumping'. We have continued to work on our spacial awareness and how to can stay safe in PE.
It has been a busy week in Duck class and I hope the children have gone home with lots of stories about their day. Next week we will continue our learning of 'All About Me'and focus on our families and people who are important to us at home.
I hope you have a lovely weekend
Miss Mayer