In English this week we have been exploring how to incorporate high-level openers into our writing to avoid repetition. Towards the end of the week we have been learning how to link ideas together in sentences/paragraphs to assist the fluidity of our writing. We are looking forward to writing our setting description in the forest!
This week in Maths we have been exploring number lines, and have used key mathematical terms such as midpoints, increments, and intervals. Although Stingrays have found this topic challenging they have shown determination and resilience towards their set tasks. In Arithmetic, we have been tackling some difficult division questions using the bus stop method.
Stingrays have shown great enthusiasm in their history lessons this week whilst learning about Philip of Macedon and how he planned to unite all of the Greek city-states to gain power.
For RE we have exploring the religion of Christianity and the seven days of creation in the Bible. We enjoyed creating a freeze frame to represent each day of creation!
We hope you have a lovely weekend and we will see you all on Monday!
Miss Olenczuk & Miss Roberts x