What another super week we have had this week in Turtles. It was lovely to meet your parents at parent consultations and the children completed some beautiful remembrance artwork in class during this time.
Keep up the awesome work Year 3!
This week in English, we have delved deeper into our character descriptions from Peter Pan and have even wrote our own character descriptions by the end of the week!
In Maths, we have started our new topic of multiplication and division. We have looked at arrays and how to make multiplication stories and repeated addition sentences linked to the three times table!
This week we started something new for our wet playtimes. Mrs Burns has introduced library lunch, the children were all given a library card with their names on. They were then allowed to choose a book from the class library to read, the books were then detailed on the library card with the date as a record. Once the book has been read the children will complete a book review to discuss with each other.