This week we have been learning all about Bonfire Night, we began on Monday with talking about our own experiences of Bonfire Night from the weekend and what we have seen. We spoke about the traditions of Bonfire Night and how they are celebrated. We briefly discussed why Bonfire Night takes place but this is learning which will be developed further next year in Reception.
We have been very busy doing lots of activities this week and although lots of our friends have not been at school due to a sickness bug we have taken the time to get to know different children within the class.
We have used the click builders to make fireworks and sparklers, some children could remember our learning from last Friday about how we are safe around fireworks and sparklers and show excellent communication skills.
We used the software programme of paint to create our own firework pictures, we could hold the interactive pen in a tripod grip and were able to access the programme independently and choose different colours.
We have been developing our fine motor skills further and working on our pincer grip by using pipe cleaners, we had to twist them together to make a firework.
We have also worked on our pen control and used the whiteboard pens to trace over various lines of the fireworks. I have seen such an improvement on the children's pencil control already this year which is amazing!
We have done lots of art this week, on the creative table each day we have had a different activity for the children to complete independently such as using chalk and pom poms, forks and glitter and cardboard tube paint brushes. We have created the most wonderful firework art which I cannot wait to put onto our displays.
We have also been learning about an Artist called Jackson Pollock, we know what an artist is and we had so much fun recreating his master pieces!
In our Numbers and patterns sessions we have been learning new Vocabulary of 'tall and short', this is something which we are going to continue to develop but the children have been embedding this new knowledge in their independent learning.
We have now begun our Phase One Phonics journey and this week we have been learning about different animals and the noises which they make, we were very unsure on Monday but as the week has progressed we now know many animal names and the noises which they make! Next week we are going on a listening walk to see what noises we can hear outside of school.
Mrs Morray has also created us a new role play area of a birthday party which correlates with our current learning of celebrations, next week we are learning all about birthdays. We have demonstrated our first hand experiences of our own birthdays and other peoples birthdays whilst role play with others and the children are much more confident in their play and narrative when compared to the first half term.
On Friday it was Poppy Day so as a class we discussed the importance of remembering, what a poppy is and why we wear them. The children were also fantastic during the two minute silence which took place throughout the whole school.
We then used different modes and materials to create our own poppies which we will display within our classroom.
Next week is another busy week but I am looking forward to seeing you all for Parent Consultations. Have a lovely weekend, Mrs Morray x