We have had a marvellous week in Jellyfish this week and have really shown our value of the half term, determination in multiple ways. 


In our English lessons we have be continuing our journey towards writing a persuasive letter to Mr Bumble at the workhouse! In Grammar on Monday we looked at pronouns which we could remember fantastically from before Christmas. We then looked at how to apply our year 3 skills to a persuasive letter. We looked at expanded noun phrases as a recap and used our knowledge of nouns and adjectives to build upon. We also looked at using conjunctions, both coordinating and subordinating. On Thursday we planned our letter which really helped us when we wrote our own letters about the conditions of the workhouse to Mr Bumble, on Friday. 


We continued our measurement journey this week, still with a focus on length. We covered our misconceptions around converting length and how sometimes we have to convert lengths before we can add or subtract them. Spending some extra time on this really helped us! At the end of the week we then looked at perimeter which we all loved! It's something we have never done before and can all confidently now explain that perimeter is the total length around the outside edges of a closed 2D shape! 


In History this week we looked at what ancient Egyptians believed about death. We found this incredibly interesting. The most interesting thing we found out was that the ba (persons soul) returned to them every night after they had passed away. We about the mummification/embalming process and that the word mummy comes from the Latin word mumia. In Geography we looked at the largest settlement, a city. We learnt all about the facilities in a city and what makes them popular. We found it really interesting when Miss French was explaining that if a settlement has a cathedral it automatically becomes a city!