Image of Conjunctive adverbs!
7 February 2025

Conjunctive adverbs!

This week in writing, we learnt all about conjunctive adverbs. We learnt how to punctuate them and how to use them effectively in formal letter writing. Considering this is a new skill, Y6 showed determination and resilience with their learning to produce some fantastic pieces of writing. Well…

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Image of Translating hieroglyphics!
7 February 2025

Translating hieroglyphics!

This week in History, we learnt all about how the Ancient Egyptians wrote! As part of our learning, we learnt to write the words ‘Egypt’ and ‘Nile’ in hieroglyphics. Y6 Whales have really enjoyed learning about the Ancient Egyptians and produced some fantastic pieces of…

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Image of Angles!
31 January 2025


This week in Maths, we have been learning how to measure and classify angles. Shape is a tricky topic in Y6; however, Y6 have persevered with their learning and showed an excellent understanding of the different types of angles. Well done!

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Image of Features of a formal letter!
31 January 2025

Features of a formal letter!

This week in writing, we have started a new genre. We have explored the features of a formal letter and annotated WAGOLLs on Showbie identifying the different features. 

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Image of Collaging! ✨✏️
31 January 2025

Collaging! ✨✏️

This week in Art, we began to make our activism posters. Our first technique we used to create our posters was collaging. We ripped up wallpaper and used this as a base for our posters. Y6 did really well in this lesson and created superb collages ready for the next step next week!

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Image of Red2Blue
15 January 2025


On Monday, it was our Red2Blue morning! As part of our morning, we painted some red ladybugs onto a blue leaf to represent how when we are in our red headspace it creates a feeling similar to a ladybug being stuck on its back unable to turn around. Y6 Whales produced some wonderful…

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Image of What causes rainbows?
15 January 2025

What causes rainbows?

This week in Science, we have considered the question ‘What causes rainbows?’ We found out that rainbows are caused when light travels from one state of matter to another causing the colours of light to separate! We observed this in class too in which we used a prism and torch to make a rainbow.…

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Image of Features of a diary entry!
10 January 2025

Features of a diary entry!

This week in Writing, Y6 have started their brand new text called ‘Wonder’. Y6 are really enjoying this text so far! This week, we have explored the different features of a diary entry and used SHOWBIE to annotate a WAGOLL.

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Image of Poetry Tools!
18 December 2024

Poetry Tools!

This week in Y6, we have explored poetry. During our features lesson, we explored different ‘Poetry Tools’ poets use to capture the reader’s imagination. Poetry can be really tricky; however, Y6 have shown their determination and excellence to develop a super understanding so far! Well done…

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Image of Geographical Sketching!
13 December 2024

Geographical Sketching!

We have started a new topic in Geography all about Birmingham. As part of this week’s learning,  we completed geographical sketches to represent how redevelopment has changed Birmingham’s skyline. Here are just a few of the amazing example Y6 Whales produced! 

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Image of Alternative Event Writing
12 December 2024

Alternative Event Writing

This week, we have continued to practice a range of skills to prepare us for our independent writes which will be an alternative event based on the text ‘War Horse’. I have been beyond impressed with the writing this week and look forward to reading everybody’s independent…

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Image of How does light travel?
5 December 2024

How does light travel?

This week in Science, we conducted an investigation to explore how light travels. We proved that light does in fact travel in straight lines and becomes blocked by opaque objects. Y6 Whales worked really hard in this lesson. Well done!

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