Determined Writers!
This week, Y4 have worked hard in their writing lessons to prepare for their next independent write which will be a narrative. They have shown super determination with skills including expanded noun phrases, prepositional phrases, conjunctions and dialogue! Keep up the determination Y4!
Relative Clauses
In Grammar this week, Y4 learnt all about relative clauses! This is a particularly tricky part of Grammar, however Y4 showed a great deal of enthusiasm in this lesson, with some children even including some relative clauses in their independent writes later in the week! Super work Y4!
Super Subtraction!
This week, Y4 have consolidated subtraction using column method. We have found this a bit tricky previously however it was wonderful to see so many children make some great progress with this important skill. Keep up the super maths work Y4!
Super Science!
This week, we started our brand new topic entitled ‘Living things and their habitats’. This week, Y4 learnt all about the different characteristics that make an organism living using the acronym MRS GREN to help us remember each of the seven criteria. We were then challenged to research our…
Our final Y4 Writing text!
This week, Y4 have been introduced to their final Y4 text entitled 'The Boy at the Back of the Class'. So far, we've read the first 3 chapters and Y4 have thoroughly enjoyed it! We have started our preparation for our next independent write which will be a diary entry from the perspective of the…
Cool Computing!
Y4 were really excited to be back on the laptops and building their skills in using 2Logo. This week, we learnt how to use the ‘Repeat’ command to create a range of 2D shapes. Some children even managed to use this command to make a ten-sided shape and a circle! Keep up the enthusiasm for…
Superb Science!
This afternoon in Science, Y4 made drums out of classroom objects to investigate sound vibrations. We worked in groups and placed rice on our drums and observed to see how much the rice moved when tapping the drum with a different amount of fingers each time. This was a great way to explore the…
Costal Habitats!
This week in Geography, we have learnt all about different coastal habitats. Y4 were really interested in the different habitats especially a coral reef (as you can find stingrays here) and rock pools (where you can find a species of manatee). Keep up the super Geography work…
Amazing Art!
This half term we have been looking at the Art work created by the incredible artist Georgia O'Keeffe! We have made collages using images of her work and also practiced the skill of creating light and dark shadow effects using pencils! We have some amazing artists in Y4!
Eid -Al-Fitr
This week we learnt all about the Islamic Festival Eid-Al-Fitr. We created a lantern design and wrote acrostic poems to recognise and learn more about this important festival. For those who are celebrating Eid this week, we wish you all a very Happy Eid!
New Class Text!
This week, Y4 have been introduced to their brand new Class Text 'The Firework Maker's Daughter'. Y4 are really enjoying this adventure story so far. We can't wait to find out more about Lila's inspirational journey to Mount Merapi!