Image of Clay, bugs and mud!
22 November 2023

Clay, bugs and mud!

Year 4 had great fun making clay creatures, mud paint and mini habitats for worms!

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Image of How can the ocean effect the weather?
20 November 2023

How can the ocean effect the weather?

In Geography this week, we learnt about how the oceans regulate temperature, rainfall and gases in the air. We then discussed how the atmosphere is like a greenhouse around the Earth and this is called the Greenhouse Effect. 

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Image of Sporting superstars
17 November 2023

Sporting superstars

Year 6 have started a new topic of ‘Outdoor Activities’. We are learning about using keys when orienteering around the school grounds. The class completed a warm up around our new running track before doing an obstacle course, finding symbols and their word counterparts!

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Image of Hedgehogs, bugs and mud!
15 November 2023

Hedgehogs, bugs and mud!

Year three, had great fun exploring for bugs, we had some wonderful discussions  about why we are now finding less bugs, we all agreed that now it’s getting colder the bugs are hidden or underground to keep warm for the winter.

We got messy with mud, making our paint and made some hedgehogs…

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Image of Active or passive voice
6 November 2023

Active or passive voice

Year 6 have learnt about active and passive voice, and the skill of being able to recognise the object, verb and subject in a sentence.

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Image of Collaborative Computing - Narwhals and Dolphins
24 October 2023

Collaborative Computing - Narwhals and Dolphins

Today for computing, the Narwhals and Dolphins have worked together on their computing work! As you may remember Narwhals had a visitor who taught them how to use the app ‘Clips’, due to technical difficulties Dolphins did not get a chance to complete this. So today Narwhals have had the job of…

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Image of Forest School - den building!
20 October 2023

Forest School - den building!

Today we had great fun, making dens!  We worked in teams to plan and build our dens. We had to think carefully about what would be the best location, what we needed, how to build it and what would offer us the most protection from the rain. 

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Image of Forest School, conker rolling! ( After school club)
20 October 2023

Forest School, conker rolling! ( After school club)

Storm Babet hit us this week making it a little wet and windy to go outdoors so instead we had a craft session. We used conkers to make patterns and leaves to create hedgehogs. We enjoyed rolling the conkers to make patterns, do you like them?

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Image of Climate Change presentation
16 October 2023

Climate Change presentation

Year six have completed their Geography topic by presenting everything they have learnt to the class, including how we can help slow down climate change!

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Image of Forest school - Let’s get creative!
13 October 2023

Forest school - Let’s get creative!

We used a range of natural materials to make a variety of creative items, we had fun creating them, we hope you like them!

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Image of Order of operations
13 October 2023

Order of operations

Year 6 have been learning about order of operations in Maths. We have learnt that any calculations in brackets must be completed first!

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Image of Listen to your conscience
12 October 2023

Listen to your conscience

Year 6 showed their understanding of Isabella’s thoughts as she breaks a promise made to her best friend, inspired by our class text ‘The Girl of Ink and Stars’.

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