Tricky Maths
This week, in Maths, we have been using our place value knowledge to find 10, 100, 1000, 10,000, and 100,000 more and less than a number.
Character description
This week in writing, Year 5 have been writing a character description based on their text, Rumaysa. We have been focussing on using high level vocabulary to describe.
Snail Spirals
Our Art topic is spirals! We have previously looked at the work of artist Molly Haslund and we were inspired to create our own spiral art.
Scrambled Sentences!
As we have focussed on sentence structure and the importance of punctuation, we have unscrambled sentences from Goldilocks and the Three Bears to write using finger spaces.
Capital Letters Carousel!
We have been working on the importance of sentence structure to include the correct punctuation. Today we have focused on capital letters - identifying and matching the upper case and lower case letters.
Practical Maths!
This week we have been representing numbers and amounts in a variety of ways. During this lesson Year One represented objects practically using counters or bears in a tens frame.
The Christian Creation Story
In RE we are learning all about Christians and their beliefs. This week we have heard the creation story and how Christians believe God created the world over 7 days. We used our talk for writing map to sequence the seven days into the correct order.
Sentence and word unscrambling
This week we have been unscrambling words to make super sentences which make sense. Some other children have been unscrambling letters to make words. We are then going to write the sentences and words which we have made remembering all of the letter formation which we have been practising in our…
Model of blood!
This week in Science, we made a model of the human blood using different materials. We really enjoyed this lesson even though it was a little bit gross!
Last week in Maths, we learnt to round numbers up to 10,000,000. This was a tricky lesson that will require more work however we showed our determination and resilience to try our best with our learning!
Identifying the features of a street
As part of our topic 'Me and My World', we learnt about the different features of a street. We looked at photographs of streets in Hanley, and identified features including roads, pavements, lampposts, traffic lights and roundabouts. We spoke about the role of these features and shared our own…