Image of Active or passive voice
6 November 2023

Active or passive voice

Year 6 have learnt about active and passive voice, and the skill of being able to recognise the object, verb and subject in a sentence.

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Image of PE AL - Musical Statues
6 November 2023

PE AL - Musical Statues

In PE the children are beginning to understand we take part in PE to stay healthy and they are developing an understanding of what 'healthy' means. We love completing our warm up first and learning new stretches/moves. We recapped the lesson with different ways of moving while listening to 'Lets…

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Image of Still life photography
26 October 2023

Still life photography

We arranged harvest vegetables to create still life art. We worked together as a team to place the vegetables in position before using an iPad to take our own photographs of our art work. 

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Image of Interesting Investigation
25 October 2023

Interesting Investigation

Today we took our science lesson outside to investigate ‘Do people with longer femurs jumper further?’ 

We measured our femurs and jumped as far as we could to investigate if the length of the bone affected our ability to jump. Next lesson, we will analyse the results and come up with our…

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Image of Subitising!
25 October 2023


In maths this week we have been learning how to subitise amounts up to 3. The children are great at recognising the numerals and we are now recognising regular patterns. We worked with our friends in a group to roll the dice and shout the amount we saw, we then completed an action to match that…

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Image of Drawing club
25 October 2023

Drawing club

Spooktacular pictures created by our year 2s! Happy Halloween! ;)

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Image of Drawing club
25 October 2023

Drawing club

Spooktacular pictures created by our year 2s! Happy Halloween! ;)

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Image of Autumn walk
24 October 2023

Autumn walk

We have been learning all about the signs of Autumn. We then used our senses to go on an Autumn walk and describe what we see, feel and hear. The children loved exploring the school grounds! We collected leaves, sticks and brought them back to explore in the classroom. 

We were very lucky to…

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Image of Collaborative Computing - Narwhals and Dolphins
24 October 2023

Collaborative Computing - Narwhals and Dolphins

Today for computing, the Narwhals and Dolphins have worked together on their computing work! As you may remember Narwhals had a visitor who taught them how to use the app ‘Clips’, due to technical difficulties Dolphins did not get a chance to complete this. So today Narwhals have had the job of…

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Image of Mosaic Storyboard
23 October 2023

Mosaic Storyboard

Today we read a story from the Hindu religion. We each had a different section to illustrate before putting them together to create a huge storyboard. Our drawings showed we understood the story and we were very proud of the results.

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Image of Computing
23 October 2023


Today we used the laptops to practice changing, the font, letter size and the colour of our font. 

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