World Book Day
We have took part in lots of activities today to celebrate world book day. We sequenced the story, made caterpillar hats, had buddy reading with year 3 and ended out day with hot chocolate and biscuits and a lovely story.
We had so much fun sharing our teddies, blankets and favourite books.…
The Hungry Caterpillar Story Sequencing
For World Book Day we focused our learning around The Hungry Caterpillar. We read the story together and made a long, giant caterpillar with balloons! We then sequenced the story by putting the fruit onto the caterpillars tummy.
We had so much fun and the children can talk in depth about our…
Book in a Jar competition
We are amazed by the entries for our Book in a Jar competition. Our winner will be announced tomorrow!
World Book Day
We enjoyed celebrating World Book Day today! We brought our favourite books to school and shared these with our buddy readers from Year 4. We also read the story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' and participated in role play to retell the story. During the afternoon, we created our own bookmarks to…
World Book Day
We celebrate World Book Day by cosying up with a good book and a hot chocolate.
Engaging in Maths
Year 6 have been using their iPads to work though Maths problems with their teacher. Using our technology means that all children are engaged and taking an active role in every lesson.
Learning to work as a team!
Today the children took part in circle time where we were learning about the importance of working as a team and how we can do this in the classroom. We read the story Farmer Duck before deciding on some ways we can work together as a team in class this week. The children decided that they would…
Observational drawings of daffodils
We made observations of daffodils by looking closely at the different parts of the plant. We looked carefully at the shape of the petals, stem, leaves and flower and drew what we could see. We focused on each separate part of the plant and spoke about the types of lines we would draw, for example,…
On Wednesday, our Year 5 classes travelled to London to watch Wicked. The performance was incredible and we throughly enjoyed the experience. We were so proud of all the children and a member of the public commented on how well behaved they were. Well done everyone!
How to Plant a Seed
We have been exploring plants all week and the children were very excited to plant their own. We looked at what we would need as a group and named the different resources ‘seed, pot, soil, watering can, trowel’, we then wen to collect our resources in small groups, recapping the correct names and…
Really tricky relative clauses!
In Grammar this week, we have started to look at a going deeper year 4 skill of using relative clauses to add extra detail into our writing. We will continue to look at this skill next week!
Our incredible independent writes
This week in writing we have written our independent write, it was lovely to see how focussed and determined the children were when writing independently. We look forward to reading these writes! Well done year 4!