Talk for writing- Cave Baby
In book talk the children were looking at the story cave baby. We then completed a talk for writing activity where the children thought of a picture for each part of the story. We then retold the story from the beginning to the end using the pictures the children had decided upon. We love talk for…
Number Representation with Fingers to 5
We have learnt the number 5 this week. We sang different number rhymes which gave us the opportunity to show number up to 5 on our fingers.
The children have become confident with finger representations and loved singing ‘5 Little Ducks’ ‘5 Speckled frogs’.
Music fun!
Today we have started our new topic of ‘Knowing different sounds’. We have listed to a new piece of music and used the glockenspiels to compose our own song.
Exploring Our New RolePlay Area
This week we were introduced to a new role play area. The children recognised the logo straight away. “It’s Aldi”.
They have loved using the trolleys, baskets and different props to support their play. They have created narratives collaboratively and acting out their experiences. It has been…
Target Throwing
In PE we have moved on to learning ball skills. The children have began with ‘throwing’. We learnt how to use an underarm throw and practised throwing a bean bag into a target.
we moved the hoop closer for support and further away when we began to challenge our selfs.
we had so much fun and…
Combining two groups
We have been learning how to combine two groups to find the total. We put two groups together and then counted how many objects we had altogether.
In PE we have been taking part in dancing.
This week we loved learning dance moves and adding these to music. We started with warming up to a familiar dance, following the actions as best as we could. We then took some of these moves and made our own sequence. We added music and danced.
Pre - Writing Shapes
This week we have been tracing around different shapes. We have then practised forming the shapes independently. Our pencil grips have improved so much since September and our control with a pencil is always improving.
Great work Ducklings
Writing Our Names!
We are beginning to write our names in nursery as we are now able to recognise them. We used our name cards to copy letters from our name.
Super writing!
In art this week, we have been studying the artwork of ‘The Shoreditch Sketcher’ as part of our Architecture topic. We then used pencil to observe and draw the London skyline in the style of The Shoreditch Sketcher’.
What colour is light?
Take a look at some of the amazing Science work produced by Y6 in Science this week. Y6 were tasked with researching light. Specifically, they were asked to research the question ‘What colour is light?’. They have presented their finding beautifully, drawing upon key scientists like Isaac…
Amazing Angles!
Y6 have started a brand new Maths topic this week which explores Geometry. We began by looking at angles in a right angle, straight line and around a point. Later on in the week, we shall be exploring angles in a triangle and other shapes. Geometry in Y6 can be tricky however Y6 are showing…