Exciting Eid Celebrations!
In Year Five Dolphins, we have enjoyed making Eid cards for our friends and families.
To all those celebrating, a blessed Eid Mubarak from all of us in Dolphin Class!
Super Science!
Year five Dolphins really enjoyed learning about changes that happen to us as we age. They asked many honest questions.
Fantastic letter formation
Today grey ducklings worked hard to form the letters in one of the CVC words that we have been blending and segmenting in phonics. Letter formation and neatness of writing was fantastic! Well done Nursery.
Finding the skills
Today we have begun our new writing journey to create a discursive argument, to begin we have spent the lesson looking at the structure of a discursive argument and how our Y5 skills can be used in one.
Bikeability superstars
Year 6 have taken to the road as part of their Bikeability programme this week, showing confidence when cycling on busy roads. They continued to show our expectations of being ready, respectful and safe at all times. Well done Year 6!
Incredible impressionists in ICT!
The Puffins were being artists in their ICT lesson today. They used a package on Purple Mash that enabled them to express their creativity and become Impressionists. A great effort by everyone.
Impressionist Art
We spent our Computing lesson using a painting programme to create our own Impressionist Style artwork. Look at this wonderful example: Night Sky by Izzy
We are in France!
This week Nursery have travelled to France to explore the country and how it differs to Stoke - on - Trent. Today we have enjoyed talking about popular French food, and creating our own plates. We also wrote the names of the food created, independently forming each letter and looking at the flash…
Detailed deserts
In our Geography lesson this week, we have been learning all about how deserts are formed. By the end of the lesson, we were able to confidently use key high level vocabulary to give detailed explanations to answer challenging questions. Some key words included: vegetation, dersertification,…
Wonderful Writing
This week in Writing we have been focussing on understanding how to punctuate dialogue correctly. This is something Stingrays at the beginning of the week really struggled with. We are very proud of how the children have shown such determination and resilience over the week; show casing just how…
Superb sports day!
On Thursday afternoon we held our Year 4 sports day! It was lovely to see the children really enjoying themselves and cheering one another on. We have definitely got some future athletes in Stingrays! We had a fantastic afternoon and when we got back to class we enjoyed looking back through all of…
Hello Lighthouse - Diary writing
We have been writing diaries in Year 1 this week, using the text Hello Lighthouse. We focused on using last tense and first person, as well as including all the features of a diary entry. Today we planned a diary entry for our independent write next week. The children came up with lots of amazing…