Amazing arithmetic!
Year five Dolphins polished their arithmetic skills today, using a layout WAGOLL to help them.
Reading SATs Booster
To prepare for year 6, as well as our usual lessons we have begun looking at the style of questions used in a past SATs paper
Lifting Levers
During DT, Year 1 have continued their learning on mechanisms by making a lever. They learn that levers move around a fixed point - the pivot. They used a lever to make Jack climb the beanstalk. They were so impressed with the work they had done.
Celebrating Monarchs
This week in History we have been answering the question “How do we celebrate monarchs?”. In doing so we learnt all about the jubilee and how this celebrates the monarchs major milestones. We also found out that Kings and Queens have two birthdays. During the summer birthday celebration they…
Historical arguments
Today in History, we learnt all about how and why Arabia grew so far so fast. We had some very insightful discussions over different factors and produced some terrific justified reasons. Well done Year 4!
Tricky tense
Year 1 have worked on writing in the past tense this week! They learnt that when writing in the past tense we are writing about something that has already happened. at first they found this a little tricky to know how tenses can be changed but eventually they blew us away with their writing.
Summer Safety
This week, Nursery have been talking about how to keep safe on holiday. We looked at this picture and spotted all of the dangers that we could see. We used full sentences to discuss why certain people were not safe and what they should be doing. We practiced our speaking and listening skills,…
Two way tables
Today we have looked at how to read and answers questions about two way tables, these come in a variety of different forms and can be used to measure all kinds of useful data such as; distance, attendance, quantity and capacity. Some of the tables had never been seen before but we were surprised…
Marvellous maths!
Year five Dolphins have been investigating how to correctly read two-way tables today. They have learnt and used vocabulary such as catogories, rows and columns to aid them in explaining their understanding of their work. Brilliant!
Comparing Africa and the UK - traditions and cultures
We looked at images of different traditions/ways of life in both Africa and the UK. This included types of traditional clothing, transport and homes. We discussed the images in small groups, making comparisons between the two locations. We then sorted images into groups whilst having some great…
Relative Clauses
In Grammar this week, Y4 learnt all about relative clauses! This is a particularly tricky part of Grammar, however Y4 showed a great deal of enthusiasm in this lesson, with some children even including some relative clauses in their independent writes later in the week! Super work Y4!
Super Subtraction!
This week, Y4 have consolidated subtraction using column method. We have found this a bit tricky previously however it was wonderful to see so many children make some great progress with this important skill. Keep up the super maths work Y4!