Year 5 Dolphin class worked really hard in English this morning, planning their setting descriptions of Camp Green Lake (the setting of the book HOLES by Louis Sachar) using the DADWAVERS format. They used each sense to formulate a specific structure, that will really aid in their independent…
Material Detectives
We had a great time looking for objects made from Materials we already knew to start our topic of Everyday Materials. We discovered there was LOTS of metal and plastic outside and more paper, cardboard and glass outside. Next week, we’ll look into their properties to discover why.
Material hunt!
A part of our Science lesson, Puffins went on a material hunt around our school and inside the classroom. The children were great at spotting things made from plastic/wood/metal…. Tonight they have been challenged with going home and trying to identify different materials around their house. We…
Climate Zones
In Geography we have been learning about Climate Zones. We have learnt countries closer to the Equator their climate tends to be hot and dry compared to countries that are further away from the Equator they tend to be cold and wet. We also looked at the difference between tropical and polar…
Recognition board
Year 6 Sharks love being recognised for our positive choices including showing our Waterside values and being ready, respectful and safe. We love to see our faces lit up and being recognised, using post-it comments, for our achievements each week. Miss Cooke hopes that next week, we will have the…
Worry bags!
Puffins have been learning about emotions in PSHCE and this week we were focusing on our worries. We listened to a story abut worries before discussion some of our own worries. We also thought of ways of solving or sharing some of our worries. In pairs, we wrote our worries on bags and then…
Plotting on a line graph
Today Year 5 have been learning how to draw a line graph using a range of data and even plotting more than one set of data onto the same graph. The children recalled how we have talked about using these to represent data from our experiments and the benefits of using this kind of graph. One boy…
Planning for writing
Today, Year 6 have been planning their writing. The children will be producing a first person narrative as Ayesha, the protgaonist from our class text, ‘Oranges in No-Man’s Land’. They will be finishing the story, giving an alternative ending for how Ayesha manages to cross into enemy territory in…
Writing about Handa's Surprise
Today, we wrote sentences to describe what Handa is doing in the story 'Handa's Surprise'. We applied our Phase 3/4 phonics knowledge to spell, and are becoming much more confident with our use of finger spaces between words. We have also been practising the skills of using a capital letter and…
Marvellous magpies!
Year 5 Dolphins have worked really hard today, in sweltering heat, as magpies, extracting setting description features independently. We are clearly nearly year six ready!
Super Suspense and Terrifying Tension!
To enable our writing to have appropriate vocabulary within, we looked at how to use suspense and tension within narrative writing. We used skills such as show not tell, figurative language and a range of clause structures to build appropriate suspense and tension up within our writing.
Humanist thinkers
Year 6 have been public speaking as famous humanist thinkers from throughout history, expressing their views on religion. We have shown respect and tolerance in hearing beliefs different from our own and being able to present our knowledge using our drama skills.